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WEEKEND ONLINE RETREAT - "ILLUMINATION: Knowing YourSelf as the Light of God"


Knowing YourSelf as the Light of God


This Weekend Retreat is an exploration of how we can know our true nature as God and how this knowing filters into our human-ness to illuminate our lives.

Held in a safe container for self-inquiry, Amoda will explore the meaning of God from a nondual perspective and offer pointers to the knowing of ourselves — and the knowing of everything — as an expression of God.

There will be TWO sessions daily, each of 120 minutes (2 hours) duration. Each session will include a guided meditation, a discourse, and time for Q&As.

If you miss a session, recordings will be available in audio and video format for up to two weeks after the event.

All sessions are moderated by Kavi.

DAY 1 —

Session 1 - You are a Focal Point for God

We are conditioned by society, education, and religion to believe we are separate from God. We are also conditioned to believe God is a deity or entity that is of a higher consciousness than us. This belief creates a veil of illusion through which we unconsciously view everything, including our experience of “myself and my life”.

What if we could truly recognize and embrace the knowing that each individuation — including the individuation called “myself” is actually a focal point for God? Here, we explore the willingness to allow every experience of “myself and my life” to be an invitation to this knowing.

Session 2 - God’s Being is Your Being

To recognize and rest in Being-ness as the foundation of your existence is to know the “I Am” that is the same as God’s “I Am”. By understanding that the experience of an individuated “self” is simply a veiling of God, we can embrace the journey of life as an unveiling that “returns us home to our true Self”.

Here we examine how this unveiling takes place when we are willing to meet ourselves and our experience from presence and openness. We also explore what it means to rest as the “I Am”.

DAY 2 —

Session 3 - Welcoming Everything as Love

To know the light of God is to welcome everything. This welcoming of everything is an energetic shift that opens the heart to its own unboundedness, brings us into a state of forgiveness, and ultimately transmutes all that has been rejected into the shadowlands into the unconditionality of love and awareness.

In this session we examine the willingness to reject nothing, welcome everything, and surrender into the deepest falling of the open heart. Are you willing to truly love everything? Are you willing to see the light of God in everything? This is the path of the mystic!

Session 4 - Living as a Prayer

Instead of praying to God (or any other deity or higher consciousness), we can shift from being a “victim” or a “beggar” of life to being aligned with the flow of God, which is ultimately your true unbounded nature.

Here we explore how “living as a prayer” is an attitude of availability to the goodness of Life, and how this undoes karmic timelines of limitation and opens the door to new timelines of creation.

Each of the four sessions will include a short but potent Guided Meditation to turn your attention towards God-nature.

God is always knocking at the door from the inside. Every experience, whether it is welcome or unwelcome, is God’s invitation to your innermost. Are you willing to reject nothing, welcome everything, and surrender into the deepest falling of the open heart?
— Amoda Maa

Dates & Times —

Saturday, MAY 18

Sunday, MAY 19

The TWO DAILY SESSIONS are at these times —

USA (Pacific): 9am - 11am / 12.30pm - 2.30pm

USA (Mountain): 10am - 12pm / 1.30pm - 3.30pm

USA (Eastern): 12pm - 2pm / 3.30pm - 5.30pm

United Kingdom: 5pm - 7pm / 8.30pm - 10.30pm

Central Europe: 6pm - 8pm / 9.30pm - 11.30pm

Each session is 120 minutes (2 hours) in duration.

You can join the meetings from anywhere in the world — please make sure to calculate your local time by using TIME ZONE CONVERTOR

We are located in New Mexico, USA — please make sure you use MOUNTAIN DAYLIGHT TIME as the primary time for calculating your local time.

If you are unsure of the date and time in your location, please contact us

Please remember — if you are unable to join live for any of the sessions, you will receive an Audio & Video recording within 24 hours of the session. All recordings will be available for 2 weeks after the retreat ends.

Tickets & Registration —

There are two ticket types —


$195 for single person / $315 for two people sharing a screen.

SUPPORTER (for those who wish to support our organization in being able to share our teachings through programs, free resources, and scholarships):

$250 for single person / $420 for two people sharing a screen.

Use the registration form below to purchase your ticket.

You will receive instructions with a special link to allow you to join the course, after you register and purchase your ticket (please look out for this in your inbox, and keep safe the instructions).

Please note — registration will close approximately 15 minutes prior to the start of the course.

There are no cancellations possible for online programs. If you miss any or all of the sessions, you will receive the recordings (available for streaming up to two weeks after the event).

By booking this event, you are accepting the Terms & Conditions

If you have any questions about this event, please contact us here