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discovering our essential nature


This Weekend Retreat is an exploration of our essential nature as openness, and how the recognition of this openness is the foundation of true freedom.

Held in a safe container for self-inquiry, Amoda will explore the meaning of openness from a nondual perspective and unpack some of the veils of perception that prevent us from living as this openness in all circumstances. She will also offer potent pointers to the liberation from ego-identity when this openness is recognized as our natural state.

There will be TWO sessions daily, each of 120 minutes (2 hours) duration. Each session will include a guided meditation, a discourse, and time for Q&As.

If you miss a session, recordings will be available in audio and video format.

All sessions are moderated by Kavi.

DAY 1 —

Session 1 - Untangling the Ego

The ego is often believed to be a “thing” we must get rid of — by offering a deeper understanding of the ego as a “process” we can start to disentangle ourselves from “who we think we are” and discover our essential nature.

Here, we examine how ego-identity forms itself when we get lost in the content of our experience, and how this is the root of psychological and existential suffering. We also examine how the tight knot of ego comes undone naturally when we are willing to meet our experience as relaxed presence.

Session 2 - Falling into Open Awareness

When awareness releases its tight grip on the content of experience, it falls back to rest in itself as the primordial ground of Being. This is the “home” of true peace and freedom.

Here, we explore more deeply how we can meet our experience without interpretation and without interference, and how this allows a softening of attention that reveals the open space that is the background of all experience.

DAY 2 —

Session 3 - Knowing Yourself as the Infinite

There is often confusion on the spiritual path about the self as a separate entity — does it cease to exist after awakening? What happens to “me” if the ego comes undone? And so on.

In this session, we examine the difference between “me” (limited, time-bound, space-defined) and “I” (eternal, infinite, non-localized). And how abiding as the “I” in the midst of all experiences and circumstances gives birth to the paradox of intimacy with all things and yet freedom from all things.

Session 4 - An Unconditional Relationship to Life

Open awareness is unconditioned and unconditional — by recognizing this as our essential nature, seeking and resistance come to an end and we relax into the now.

In this final session, we examine the willingness to devote ourselves to this moment as it appears. And how this is the ultimate prayer that opens a whole new paradigm of creative possibilities.

Each of the four sessions will include a short but potent Guided Meditation to provide a visceral experience of Open Awareness.

All that remains is the willingness to meet life as the openness you already are. This essential openness is very ordinary—and it changes everything.
— Amoda Maa

Dates & Times —

Saturday, FEBRUARY 17

Sunday, FEBRUARY 18

The TWO DAILY SESSIONS are at these times —

USA (Pacific): 9am - 11am / 12.30pm - 2.30pm

USA (Mountain): 10am - 12pm / 1.30pm - 3.30pm

USA (Eastern): 12pm - 2pm / 3.30pm - 5.30pm

United Kingdom: 5pm - 7pm / 8.30pm - 10.30pm

Central Europe: 6pm - 8pm / 9.30pm - 11.30pm

Each session is 120 minutes (2 hours) in duration.

You can join the meetings from anywhere in the world — please make sure to calculate your local time by using TIME ZONE CONVERTOR

We are located in New Mexico, USA — please make sure you use MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME as the primary time for calculating your local time.

If you are unsure of the date and time in your location, please contact us

Please remember — if you are unable to join live for any of the sessions, you will receive an Audio & Video recording within 24 hours of the session. All recordings will be available for 2 weeks after the retreat ends.

Tickets & Registration —

There are two ticket types —


$195 for single person / $315 for two people sharing a screen.

SUPPORTER (for those who wish to support our organization in being able to share our teachings through programs, free resources, and scholarships):

$250 for single person / $420 for two people sharing a screen.

Use the registration form below to purchase your ticket.

You will receive instructions with a special link to allow you to join the course, after you register and purchase your ticket (please look out for this in your inbox, and keep safe the instructions).

Please note — registration will close approximately 15 minutes prior to the start of the course.

There are no cancellations possible for online programs. If you miss any or all of the sessions, you will receive the recordings.

By booking this event, you are accepting the Terms & Conditions

If you have any questions about this event, please contact us here