The heart is infinite—like a bottomless well.

The heart can absorb and allow everything—including what you perceive as a grievance, as an attack, as an offense.

The heart doesn’t reject anything, and neither does it invest itself in anything. Everything can be thrown into that well, and in that tenderness it is purified.

You don’t have to do anything with it—you don’t have to fix it, you don’t have to process it. That one simple action of turning toward tenderness is the end of the offense.

Of course, there may be layers to the issue. There may be something inside or underneath what first came up—another layer of feeling, perhaps a sense of rejection or abandonment or despair.

But if you take this one key of turning toward tenderness, your life will be turned inside out by the purity and transformative power of love.

The whole of your life from birth to death is an opportunity for this transformation.

Many people struggle with seeking their life’s purpose—what direction to take in life, what to do or what to create or what to manifest in order to be truly fulfilled.

The solution is simple, but commonly overlooked—your life’s purpose is for the love that you already are to infuse your human form and experience, to infuse the manifestation of you. Everything else is secondary.

What you do in your life will naturally flow out of the love that has infused you. When you give yourself to love, the struggle and striving for finding your purpose falls away.

As far as you know, you—as who you are in this form with this mind-body vehicle, with this personality, with this configuration of physiology and biology, with these circumstances that you have been born into, with this particular geometry that you call your life—only exist once.

This specific lifetime cannot be repeated. And you—as this specific incarnation—are offered the chance to recognize the infinite openness of love in which your life arises. Don’t miss this opportunity.