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4-Month ONLINE PROGRAM (a Virtual Gathering) - "A Revolution of Love"

Please note — this program was previously known as the “WARRIOR OF THE OPEN HEART” Training. This is our third year offering this program, but this year we have refined and evolved some of the topics to align with the changing consciousness of our times.


discovering, deepening, and embodying our true nature as open awareness and living as the truth of open-heartedness”

4-MONTH ONLINE PROGRAM (a virtual gathering)

Join us in a profound community of sincere seekers — together we walk the truth of our Being-ness in the world, with dignity, integrity and grace.

If you wish to join live, please carefully check the dates and times outlined below, before registering for this event.

If you cannot join live, you will receive all the recordings within 24 hours of each live session.

Amidst the turbulence of our times, there is the possibility of a profound transformation of consciousness. So many are seeking to awaken — to know the truth of our essential nature as the indivisible Being-ness we all share, and to live from this truth in our everyday lives. And as old world structures continue to fall apart, there is a momentum for this awakening to emerge.

Discovering the truth of our Being-ness is an inner revolution in which we meet ourselves, each other, and the life we live from an internal landscape that is free of ego’s grip. It is an invitation from our deepest, innermost selves to leave behind the insanity of giving our allegiance to fear, to have the courage to befriend the unknown, and to get right up close and intimate with life with an openness the mind cannot possess. It is nothing less than a revolution of love — a love that can stand as the unbroken amidst the brokenness, that can turn towards tenderness in the face of the enemy, and that can live as fierce grace when the world comes tumbling down. It is also a love that envisions and builds a new world on foundations of genuineness and the natural flow of infinite joy and intelligence.

Wherever you are on your journey of self-exploration, self-empowerment or spiritual self-realization, this training will fine-tune, deepen and integrate your transformation.

In this 4-month program, you will — 

  • Deepen into your true nature as open awareness and fall into the grace of an open heart.

  • Cultivate spiritual resilience and spiritual maturity by learning to smile at fear and trust the unknown.

  • Discover a deeper intelligence than conditioned thought by listening from inner silence.

  • Move beyond the powerlessness of shame, blame, judgment and hatred by practicing the art of forgiveness.

  • Become rooted in an inner wholeness that releases toxic relationships and enriches your life from the “inside out”.

  • Harness your ability to take “right action” and live life gracefully.

  • Become part of a powerful and beautiful community of individuals dedicated to walking the path of integrity, grace and — we have found that this aspect of the 4-month program to be one that is highly valued by almost all the participants.

This program is a synthesis of Amoda Maa’s teaching over the years, born of personal experience in the fire of transformation and her vision of a new world and then grounded in dialoguing with many spiritual seekers over the years.

The training is co-facilitated by Kavi, who brings his own depth of wisdom as well as his experience supporting Amoda’s teaching over the years and his in-depth one-to-one work with private sessions.

The program will comprise of four modules —

  • Modules 1, 2 and 3 comprise of four weekly sessions each — three weekly sessions of 120-minutes duration, plus one additional week of a 120-minute integration session.

  • Module 4 is a 2-day retreat — two 120-minute sessions each day.

The program will include —

  • DISCOURSES on each of the weekly themes, time for exploration and Q&A.

  • CONTEMPLATIONS and INQUIRY EXERCISES for each week — you are required to keep a journal, as this will be useful for deepening your practice and transformation.

  • Access to “A Revolution of Love” PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP — to allow course participants to communicate directly with each other, share experiences, and create a resonant field of heart-based seekers and warriors in the making. This is, of course, a voluntary participation — and we hope, a useful one!

  • When the 4-month course is complete, there will be an opportunity to participate in a COMMUNITY WEEKEND GATHERING (virtual) for ongoing inquiry and support. This is open (but not compulsory) to all participants of the training from each year; in this way, the community deepens and grows.

Prerequisites —

  • It is preferable for you to be familiar with Amoda’s teaching prior to participation in this training — we recommend at least having attended an online or live event, or having had a private session with Amoda.

  • We also recommend that you have read Amoda’s books — specifically, “Embodied Enlightenment” and “Falling Open in a World Falling Apart” — and watched some of her videos.

How to participate —

We will be using using Zoom, which is free to download and very easy to use. All you need to participate is a computer (or device) with a built-in speaker, microphone,  and camera, and access to the internet.

IT IS PREFERABLE FOR YOU TO JOIN THE WEEKLY SESSIONS LIVE — although if time zone changes make it too inconvenient, you can also receive an AUDIO and VIDEO recording each week (and send in your questions by email and/or join the community page to be able to interact).



In the first 4-week module, we come together to make a commitment to the compassionate heart of deep inquiry — to meet ourselves (and each other) honestly, without judgment or rejection. And we explore our willingness to give everything to the deepest call to “come home” to true nature.

Week 1 - Turning Our Allegiance to the Depth of Being

In this introductory session, we make a commitment to turning our allegiance to the depth of Being by listening to ourselves and to each other from the innermost.

In Week 1, we will dive into:

  • Exposing the ways we unconsciously give our allegiance to the narratives that drive identity as a “separate self”.

  • Embracing our deepest longing to “come home” and allowing the “fire of truth” to take us all the way.

  • The purpose of this program, and how we can come together as a community to create a frequency field of love.

Week 2 - Open Heart and Open Awareness

We now go deeper to explore the nature of openness as an essential quality of Being, and we explore how we can know and embody this openness.

In Week 2, we will examine:

  • Openness as our natural state, prior to interpretation (naming, labeling, categorizing) and prior to interference (resistance, avoidance, control, distortion).

  • The “deep heart” as a portal to the depth of Being — turning towards tenderness and wide open acceptance of “what is”.

  • Deepening into the practice of “becoming aware of awareness” — the “groundless ground” of Being.

Week 3 - Freedom from the Matrix

Freedom from the matrix of personal, social and cultural conditioning is fundamental to living as the truth of Being. By meeting reality “as it is”, we start to naturally dismantle and dissolve the matrix of conditioned mind.

In Week 3, we will explore:

  • Our willingness to become aware of the unconscious egoic mechanism of “craving and aversion” and the choice to “stop right here”.

  • Exposing the layers of identity created because of the need for approval, security and love, and being willing to be undefended in the face of being misunderstood, rejected and judged.

  • Being rooted in “inner silence” and knowing freedom in all circumstances.

Week 4 - Insight and Integration Session

In Week 4, you will be invited to explore more deeply your reflections, insights, obstacles and questions from the “lessons” of the past 3 weeks.


In this second 4-week module, we begin to cultivate inner qualities that allow us to become immune to inner and outer turbulence by stabilizing deep within ourselves — we can also call this “spiritual resilience” or “spiritual maturity”.

Week 5 - Smiling at Fear

Fear inevitably arises as part of life, but it is how we meet fear that makes all the difference. Do we give our allegiance to what we imagine might happen, do we bury our heads in the sand, do we hide in a dream of a brighter future … or are we willing to meet fear with a smile?

In Week 5, we will explore:

  • Embracing the wisdom of meeting fear with courage and curiosity — going beyond thought-based fear to the felt-sense of fear.

  • Practicing deep relaxation in the midst of fear, and noticing the death of the reactive ego-self.

  • Recognizing open awareness in the midst of turbulence, and how this harnesses our capacity to “weather any storm”.

Week 6 - Trusting the Unknown

The capacity to “meet life from the unknown” is a profound shift in consciousness that allows us to be free of the illusion of fear and hope. It is also the doorway to discovering the slipstream of goodness at the core of life.

In Week 6, we will examine:

  • The willingness to go beyond the grasping of the mind and to discover a trust that arises from the spacious heart.

  • The willingness to meet life as the open “yes” and to fall open into the unknown.

  • Discovering the sanctuary of continuity as the “I AM” throughout all experience.

Week 7 - The Power of Forgiveness

One of the core beliefs that keeps the ego-structure entangled in a tight knot is the identification with the “victim-self” (“he/she/they did this to me”). The injustice or hurt may have been a minor transgression or it may have been a major trauma — either way, staying attached to the victim-self leads to powerlessness, shame, hatred, and violence. Here we explore the nature of forgiveness by asking ourselves some fundamental questions about who we are.

In Week 7, we will dive in to ask:

  • Can we meet suffering consciously, and paradoxically bring an end to suffering?

  • Are we willing to practice self-forgiveness and thereby open the door to a love that is available in all circumstances?

  • Are we willing to go beyond hatred and judgment of others and the world by meeting everyone and everything in tenderness?

Week 8 - Insight and Integration Session

In Week 8, you will be invited to explore more deeply your reflections, insights, obstacles and questions from the “lessons” of the past 3 weeks.


In this third 4-week module, we explore how we can live as the light of Being in our everyday lives. This isn’t about being perfect or being spiritual — rather it’s about being true to our innermost intelligence. It is this intelligence that gives birth to a life of wholeness and harmony.

Week 9 - The Inner Sanctuary of Silence

By shining a light on the habitual “seeking mechanism” of the ego-self, we can inhabit an inner space that allows us to listen to a deeper knowing and to follow the impulse of a deeper calling.

In Week 9, we will examine:

  • Turning our attention to what is more authentic than the distractions and strategies that keep us in our “comfort zone”.

  • Letting go of the “noise” of co-dependent relationships and falling in love with a deep inner silence.

  • The paradox of intimacy with all things and freedom from all things.

Week 10 - Tasting the Goodness of Life

Whilst the deepest realization of “I am not the body” is fundamental to awakening to our true nature as Being, the body as a physical manifestation of consciousness must be acknowledged if we are to be grounded in true immunity and well-being.

In Week 10, we will explore:

  • Slowing down and becoming aware of the mental and emotional movement towards seeking comfort in food (or alcohol/cigarettes/recreational substances).

  • Discovering a deeper nourishment by turning our hunger towards the divine and practicing the art of “conscious eating”.

  • Becoming sensitive to the “felt-sense” or “taste” of our everyday experiences and interactions, and how this is vital to “healthy assimilation” and well-being on physical and spiritual levels.

Week 11 - The Flow of Abundance

Spirituality and money are often seen to be in opposition to each other, and there are many unexamined beliefs that get entangled into our relationship with money. By cleaning up our relationship with money, we allow it to be a conduit for creative energy and goodness.

In Week 11, we will explore:

  • Releasing the emotional charge from money and letting it flow as a neutral conduit for consciousness.

  • Understanding the “currency of exchange” or “right relationship”.

  • Developing gratitude and appreciation for the “enoughness” of this alive moment as the foundation of true inner wealth and abundance.

Week 12 - Insight and Integration Session

In Week 12, you will be invited to explore more deeply your reflections, insights, obstacles and questions from the “lessons” of the past 3 weeks.


This final module comprises of a 2-day retreat. During this time together, we have the opportunity to deepen, clarify and integrate our insights in order to embody our true nature as open awareness and live as the truth of open-heartedness.

Day 1 (two 2-hour sessions) - Being and Doing

We now explore the relationship between “being” and “doing” — are they opposites, do they need to be in balance … or is there a deeper way of embracing both?

In Day 1 of the retreat, we will explore:

  • Unpacking the illusion of “doership” and allowing the intelligence of life to flow through us unimpeded.

  • Harnessing our ability to take “right action” — the capacity to say “yes” and “no” from an inner silence and not from reactive mind.

  • Being available for our “life’s purpose” to unfold naturally — taking action without agenda, fear, or hope.

Day 2 (two 2-hour sessions) - A Frequency Field of Love

And finally, we close our 4-month journey by reflecting on how we can support ourselves and each other in the commitment to the depth of Being through all the ups and downs of life — and especially during the turbulence of our times.

In Day 2 of the retreat, we will explore:

  • The frequency field of love that is created when we come together in the truth — a living “sangha”.

  • The intensity of our times as a catalyst for awakening and the birth of a new world.

  • Celebrating our journey and our Being-ness — final insights and reflections, listening to each other from the unconditional heart, and strengthening our commitment to the “fire of truth”.

The commitment to telling the truth is like a missile that seeks out everything that has been hiding in the shadows; but unlike a missile, it doesn’t destroy. It does something far more powerful: it transmutes.
— Amoda Maa

Amoda talks about this program …

What participants of the 2021 and 2022 program have said —

“This Program is a gem shining amongst the many offerings of spiritual teachings. Never have I heard or participated in deeper conversations and inquiry than with Amoda and her teachings—it is always a deep dive and offers profound transformation.”

“This program is SIMPLY STUNNING!”

The program is unique and profound. Amoda and Kavi have given a jewel to those who have chosen to walk with them on this journey.”

“I can’t recommend this program enough. It woke me up and transformed my life.

I am left speechless by the richness and authenticity that has been offered on this program.”

“This program has been the culmination of a lifelong search for the truth of who I am. It’s like coming home and there’s now nothing left for me but to me a servant of the truth offered and realized.”

“Over the years, I’ve been involved in countless spiritual conversations, but none by a long-shot compared to the clarity and insight of some of the discourses given in this program.”

This program has been profound on intellectual, emotional, and energetic levels.”

“There’s nothing in my mind that can comprehend the immense transformation that has taken place in me.”

Every word offered in the discourses has landed in a deep place of recognition. I am so grateful.”


MODULE 1 (weeks 1 to 4) — APRIL 06 / 13 / 20 / 27

MODULE 2 (weeks 5 to 8) — MAY 04 / 11 / 18 / 25

MODULE 3 (weeks 9 to 12) — JUNE 01 / 08 / 15 / 22

10am Pacific / 11am Mountain / 1pm Eastern (USA)

6pm United Kingdom / 7pm Central Europe

Each weekly session is 120 minutes (2 hours) in duration.

MODULE 4 (retreat) — JULY 01 / 02

Session 1 on each day:

8am Pacific / 9am Mountain / 11am Eastern (USA)

4pm United Kingdom / 5pm Central Europe

Session 2 on each day:

12pm Pacific / 1pm Mountain / 3pm Eastern (USA)

8pm United Kingdom / 9pm Central Europe

Each of the two daily sessions is 120 minutes (2 hours) in duration.

Please carefully check your local time for all the sessions, using the time zone convertor

(Amoda is in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA — please use Mountain Time and the exact date of each session to calculate your local time).

If you are unable to join any of the sessions due to time zone inconvenience, you will receive a video recording.

If you are unsure of the Date and Time in your location — please contact us before you register.



If you require an installment plan, please contact us here.

Please note — to facilitate the depth of dialogue and inquiry required for this training PLACES ARE LIMITED.

Cancellation policy:

Due to the nature of this training and the commitment required, we are unable to offer refunds (except in exceptional circumstances) — please consider the dates, times and other details carefully before you make a reservation.


You will receive a confirmation email after registration. Approximately 2 WEEKS prior to the start of the training, you will receive a reminder of Dates & Times as well as full instructions on how to join using Zoom (please look out for this in your inbox, and keep safe the instructions).

If you have any questions, please contact us here.

By booking this event, you are accepting the Terms & Conditions